Portion for Orphans

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Portion for Orphans Newsletter

May 27, 2004

Dear everyone back home,

Hope that everyone is doing well and getting ready for summer! Here it should now be rainy season. All the plants have been planted, but there's no rain! It'll be a rough year for many people here as that was to be there source of income and food. Hopefully the rain is on its way.

As for me, I'm doing fine. My time left here is now very short so I'm trying to finish up smoothly and do what I can to make sure that some of the changes will carry on even when I'm not here. For example, schedules and rules for the residents, making job descriptions more clear, and working on establishing a board to help Carol and the ministry to be more effective (my roomate/volunteer Catherine is actually doing wonders in that area~and I'm so glad we've been here together).

As of today, we've almost finished reconstructing one building and made it into a dorm that will house up to 12 girls, the two who are living with me right now, and others who will be able to move in shortly. There is also room for a matron and a volunteer. This is a small start for Carol that will provide a good foundation before they take in more children. The kitchen is also finished and it's really great!

I have only a week and half more here at St. Joseph House of Hope. My mom and little sister Cindy will be joining me to volunteer for that time. Then the three of us will travel up towards Northern Kenya where a friend of mine has planned a safari for us. This time has just been beautiful.

The kids, especially our two girls, have brought me so much joy and have shown me that this is the work I really desire to do. There is a great need, and we are also encouraged Biblically, to care for the orphans, the widows and the fatherless. I have really enjoyed seeing how Carol has responded to this and I feel that I've learned a lot from her.

This has been tough at times, really tough actually, but I can say that God has granted way more than I asked and desired. I've learned a little about caring for these groups, however, I realize that there is much more to learn.
There are so many things I wish I could express with words. First of all, more than anything it's God's faithfulness, to all of His promises. When it's been tough, He's provided encouragement and relief almost immediately, well that is after I somewhat learned the lesson He was working on teaching me. And for those lessons, I'm thankful as well. I've met so many missionaries in the area and even went way out to a church in the bush this last weekend. They have all taken me in at various times and have been so very encouraging!! Secondly, it is something incredible to feel that Connie knows she is loved and that she's learning more about God's love for her. She's the one that said to me, "How can God make orphans?" (Yeah, that still cuts deep every time I think about it) Every few days they take out a little photo album full of you guys!! They talk about you by name as if they know you, they know that you are the ones caring for them. It's just so neat.
For those of you who've been asking for my prayer requests, thank you so much.
They are that God would provide a matron of His choice to oversee these girls, for wisdom/provision for the administration, for my family, and that He would order my steps and continue to provide all that I need as now I have some new decisions to make.

May God Bless you guys fully as you've poured out upon others.

Love, Sally
P.S. Having all of you as friends, encouragers and supporters is something rare, I realize that and I am so thankful.
P.S.S. Please let me know what you guys are interested in hearing more about as I hope to really share a lot when I get home.