Portion for Orphans

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Portion for Orphans Newsletter

February 26, 2006

"When you reap your harvest in the field, and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back and get it; it shall be for the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands." Deuteronomy 24:19

Dear Donors: Thanks for making the following donations possible. You have done as the Bible says in the verse above by setting aside a portion for the strangers and the fatherless children that you see below. By doing so, you've allowed the love and light of Christ to shine even more brightly here in Kakinada, India. :) As He always does, God will hold to the above promise and bless you in all the work of your hands as a result of the compassion that you've shown to those in need.

Delivering items needed at City of Refuge, Mission to the Nations' Children's Home. We also donated enough non-perishable foods to last them for the next few months.

Bible Distribution at the City of Refuge

Paparao and I. I had a couple minutes to share with them about the Bibles they were receiving. Please pray for more opportunities like these, and that I would be bold and courageous.

During our time in India, we have encountered Leprosy and its' effects for the first time. Below is what happens when Leprosy goes untreated. Those infected become social outcasts.

One of our friends from CVBC made a donation to cover the cost of special shoes to protect the feet of those living at the Leprosy Colony in Kakinada. I'll send pictures of that when the order is completed and the shoes are delivered.

Other friends of Portion for Orphans made a donation to those who live at the Leprosy Colony as well. Below are the pictures. $150 bought a great meal for 200 of them, 50 Bibles for those that can read, and medicine and bandages to treat and rewrap their wounds. It's an awful plight they face, but the beauty that keeps me from being discouraged is that the love of Christ is being poured out on them in many ways thru your generosity. :)

I look forward to taking them more Bibles sometime, for the children who were asking for children's Bibles, and for this lady who was left empty-handed.

Prayer Requests:

  • Paparao and Mission to the Nations:
    That God would help him to disperse truth and help in Kakinada and the surrounding villages. For a pastor's conference to come together as he has requested.
  • For us to draw from God’s perfect strength and wisdom, and that He would surround us with angels to protect and uphold us in every way. That we would not grow weary or frustrated, but more and more compassionate each day.
  • For the time we will spend at the Pattaya Orphanage in Thailand.
  • Guidance for Portion for Orphans' current and future projects.

Love and miss all of you guys!! Sally.