Portion for Orphans

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Portion for Orphans Newsletter

September 1, 2006


"At least 2,000 verses in the Bible deal with the hungry, the sick, the poor, and the oppressed. No Biblical instruction is clearer or more often repeated than our responsibility to the downtrodden people who Jesus called "the least of these."

      -Former US Representative and US Ambassador to the United Nations - Tony Hall


Among "the least of these," small children, and even more so, orphans, are always the most vulnerable.

She-She (Thank you) on behalf of many orphans in China for responding to the Bible and reaching out with us to help orphans. Your generous contributions have allowed Portion for Orphans to make these recent contributions to China Care to provide corrective surgery for:

Hao Chun Xiang

Hao Chun Miao

Hao Gui Zhong

$500 covers all medical expenses per child. Now they might be adopted. If not, at least they will be able to get an education, a job and to have a beautiful smile. (Although, Hao Gui Zhong is getting close to that even with a cleft lip) :)

Also donated were two pulse oximeters and three oxygen concentrator to the orphanage ICU unit. These devices will ensure a proper amount of oxygen in the air and make it easier for the nannies to care for the babies as they recover from surgery.

If you would like to start a project in your area for orphans around the world, you can partner with Buckner International Orphan Care in their year round Shoes for Orphaned Souls Project. You can donate a pair of new shoes or host a 2006 shoe drive in your area. At www.shoesfororphansouls.org you will find all the info you need. Just a little effort can accomplish something beautiful that a child overseas will never forget. For some, it will be their first pair of shoes, the pair that allows them to go outside and play even when it's cold. And upon receiving them, they will hear, whispered in their ear ... "God cares about you."

No one could ever meet all the needs of orphans around the world, but together, we can make a tremendous difference for some of them, one at a time.

"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership..."

      Philippians 1:3-4