Helping a Christian children's village in Thailand
Prior to our recent trip to Thailand, I was praying that God would help us identify one need that I could fundraise for upon returning back to Stuttgart, Germany, where I live at this time. The goal was to increase awareness in this area and open a door for the community here to get involved in orphan ministry.
During the trip, I was asked via email to lead the missions class and fundraiser at the Stuttgart Vacation Bible School upon returning home. During VBS, 300 kids heard all about the importance of helping orphans, and how Mercy International is building a new Christian Children’s Village for orphans in Thailand. They saw pictures of one of the brand new, empty houses that is soon to be home to more than 20 infant Thai orphans. Mercy needed $6,000 to furnish the home, which would fund the following items:
- 12 custom made toddler beds
- 12 mattresses
- 12 pillow
- 12 bed side tables
- 12 clothes drawers
- 4 night lights
- 1 fridge
- 1 hot water urn
- 1 cold water dispenser
- 1 kitchen sink
- 2 kitchen cupboards
- 1 work table
- 1 microwave
- 1 toaster
- 1 TV & stand
- 1 DVD player
- 1 Sound system
- Assortment of bookcases
- 1 Sofa
- bean bag beans
- 1 ironing board
- 1 iron
- assortment of small tables & chairs for play & breakfast
- 3 hot water heaters for showers
- 3 washing baskets
- 16 wall fans
- 1 air-con for play room
- 1 wall clock
- and wall art.
I asked the children to try and
raise $3,000, and they responded enthusiastically! After
emptying their piggy banks, hosting lemonade stands and even selling
cookies to their German neighbors, we had a total of $1,800 with one
day left. On the final day, the parents were invited for a special program
showing all that the children had
been doing
at VBS. I got a few minutes to share a portion of our new promotional
DVD and about the new village
in Thailand. After that program, a total of $5,800 had
been given!
Our continuous supporters back in Marshall, TX added enough so that we could send $10,000 to the new center. Mercy will use the funds to furnish one of the new homes and to build a fence around the village. Here is their website, The pictures above show the new children's home and one of the infant orphans who may soon call it home. More pictures will follow as the project develops. Thanks to all who gave towards this need, it will benefit orphans for decades to come and enable them to be raised in a Christian environment.
Bibles for children in Kenya
The children at AIC Christian orphanage in Kenya recently indicated that they would like to have their own Bibles. The VBS children at Cypress Valley Bible Church in Marshall, TX raised funds to provide a Bible for every child there who is old enough to read. The project was considerably delayed due to instability in Kenya, but on Saturday, August 16th, 113 Children’s Bibles were delivered, along with the gospel message.
Previously we have donated items such as mattresses and children’s books to this same orphanage. I’d like to thank Catherine Muteti and Scotty Furrh for carrying out the project in Kenya. We are helping to meet their physical needs as well as giving them the water of life and a lamp unto their feet. : )
Ideas for helping others
Looking for a meaningful project to do with your children, friends or co-workers? Here’s an idea… last Christmas my extended family, all ages, worked together to fund a cleft pallet surgery for an orphan in China. I referred them to China Care’s website,, where they could see the children for themselves and choose a surgery to fund. My cousin, Madison, decided that since it was Christmas time, they should fund the $500 cleft pallet surgery for Zhao Jing Ping. What a neat way to teach your children the importance of helping others. I’d be happy to assist anyone interested in doing a similar project. If you decide to do it on your own, please let me know so I can share your story, it will inspire others.
Hope Run/Walk - January 31, 2009
The 6th annual Hope Run/Walk is scheduled for January 31, 2009. That means you have exactly 165 days to train and enlist others for the event. : )
Please think big about how you can help us get more people involved. We do need volunteers for the planning committee as well as sponsors for the event. Let me know if you’re interested!
Visit for more information.
Prayer requests
- Growth in the coming year that will multiply what we are able to do for orphans.
- Quick permission to use the songs on our new DVD.
- That everything we do would display the LOVE of CHRIST to all who see.
- Orphanage Directors, that God would give them strength sufficient for each day.
On behalf of orphans,
Sally Allred Lockett <><