Helping orphans at China Care
Li will be receiving cleft palate surgery in the coming weeks thanks to a donor
at Cypress Valley Bible Church in Texas who responded to the last update
and gave $500 to fund a surgery.
You can view special needs of orphans and orphanages that China Care oversees by visiting This is an incredible way that you or any group you are involved in can impact the life of an orphan in need, it gives them the chance for a bright future. Cleft palate surgeries cost $500.
We also sent $360 to provide a load of supplies to China Care’s Baotou
home. We’ve done this various times before and have provided cleft pallet
surgery for a couple of children at this home. This is possible because of
your generous donations! These ongoing needs are also listed at the China Care
If you would like to fund one of the needs listed, you can do so via the China
Care website, or contact me for assistance. As the cost of goods, especially
food, rises around the world, orphanage budgets become even more stressed.
Please consider how you might be able to help.
Thailand project update
The military community in Stuttgart, Germany, along with many donors in Marshall, TX recently enabled us to send $10,000 to Mercy International in Thailand. They are founding their third center for orphans in a town called Phrae in northwestern Thailand. These funds are enabling Mercy International to build a fence and furnish one the homes in the children’s village.
Here are some pictures of the fence being constructed. They’ve ordered the furnishings and we’ll send out those pictures as soon as possible.
Sharon, the Australian director there, has requested Christian Children’s DVDs for the kids. If you have some that you’d like to donate, please send them to:
Portion for OrphansYou can also drop them off at the Cypress Valley Bible Church office.
P.O. Box 458
Marshall, TX 75671
Hope Run & Walk
The 6th Annual Hope Run/Walk is scheduled for Saturday, January 31 in Marshall, TX. We hope to make this year’s event the best ever!
100% of the $15 entry fee ($10 for kids and students) will fund special projects at orphanages throughout the year, and you get a free t-shirt!
Here’s how you can help:
COME and bring friends, family, and co-workers! You can take part in a 5K run or a 1-mile walk.
VOLUNTEER! We need volunteers to coordinate, promote and support the Hope Run!
- More specifically, we are looking for a Volunteer Coordinator to contact volunteers, recommend assignments, and ensure that volunteers are ready to perform their tasks.
- We are also looking for people to help promote the event by visiting certain organizations, inviting people to participate, as well as posting and distributing Hope Run & Walk fliers.
- Finally, we need race day volunteers to help with set up, registration, rest stops, and many other activities.
Volunteers make the Hope Run & Walk possible. Would you consider serving in one of these positions to make Hope Run & Walk 2009 a success? Please let me know if you are interested by contacting me at!
Thank you for partnering with us in helping orphans!
Sally Allred Lockett
Founder/Director, Portion for Orphans