Dear Portion for Orphans Partners,
Everything you read about in this newsletter is made possible by your support.
As we work together, each giving
our own
orphans we continuously meet crucial needs of the children. God is using
your gifts to meet real needs of orphans in His name.
Sponsor a child in China or Kenya
We are coordinating a new project that enables you all to sponsor individual
orphans in China and Kenya. Sponsoring an orphan means that you would give
a certain amount each month that would help provide necessities for a specific
child. (This ranges from $35-$85/month, your choice). You would receive feedback
and pictures of your child. We are seeking locations where we could display
pictures of the children who need sponsors.
Ladies here in Stuttgart, Germany have made ornaments for each child to be placed on Christmas trees. Anyone interested could choose a child and all info needed to sign up is on the back of the ornament.
If you would like to sponsor a child, or set up a display enabling others to take part in the event, please contact Want to see video of some of the babies? Here is a link to a YouTube video created by a man who visited New Life Home Trust, an orphanage we partner with in Kenya.
Soy formula for lactose-intolerant babies
A few months ago, your donations enabled us to send infant soy formula to the Philip Hayden Foundation. This was for their babies that are lactose intolerant.
Here is a picture of one of those babies…
Soy milk cannot be purchased in China and has been requested by various orphanages.
New ways to donate to Portion for Orphans
You are now able to make an online donation at using a credit/debit card or bank draft. Your donation will be processed securely by PayPal. You can make a one-time donation, or set up automatic monthly or quarterly donations. Just look for the "Donate Now" button that you see below.
As always, 100% of donations directly meet the needs of orphans, unless specifically designated for administrative expenses.
Food for orphans
Thanks to some inspired Portion for Orphans’ partners in Marshall, TX, we have just kicked off a fundraising/awareness event that has the potential to multiply our support base and provide continuous well-balanced meals for HIV-positive orphans at a House of Mercy International center in Thailand. This center has lost 30% of their support due to the fluctuating economy.
Below you see a small bag that includes one serving of rice, 10 giving envelopes and 10 bookmark prayer reminders.
The idea is that one person sends in a portion towards helping feed these children, signs up to receive updates about these orphans and takes a bookmark prayer reminder. Then, he/she passes the bag on to a friend who’d also like to help. If you would like to get these moving around in your area, please let us know. We’d LOVE to send some your way.
Orphans in need of corrective surgery
For $500, an orphan can receive corrective cleft lip
surgery. This is a HUGE need for orphans in China. If you are interested in
funding a surgery, maybe as a Christmas family project, check out this webpage:
Let me know if I can be of any help.
Hope Run & Walk
The 6th Annual Hope Run & Walk is scheduled for Saturday, January 31 in Marshall, TX.
100% of the $15 entry fee ($10 for kids and students) will fund special projects at orphanages throughout the year, and you get a free t-shirt!
Here’s how you can help:Volunteer Coordinator:
Please consider if you can serve as a volunteer coordinator. This position mainly involves calling previous and new volunteers. It’s already organized, we just need someone to make sure that each position is filled and who can be there on race day to ensure that every station is manned.Volunteers:
If you would like to volunteer, please let me know at
Post Race Meal Coordinator:
If you are the kind of person who could organize a post race meal to sell for a certain amount per plate, please consider it. That’s one way to improve the event, bring in more people, and multiply our ability to help orphans throughout the year.
Please help us promote Hope Run & Walk. Hope Run & Walk fliers may be
picked up from the UPS Store
in Marshall, Texas or downloaded
from the Hope Run & Walk website .
To request a Hope Run & Walk poster, please contact
On behalf of orphans,
Sally Allred Lockett <><
Founder/Director, Portion for Orphans