Dear PFO Partners,
Thank you all for your consistent support! Here’s the latest:
Baby Lockett News!!
My husband Casey and I would like to introduce the newest member of our family. Our son, Cai Joseph Lockett, was born on Tuesday, August 16th at 8:08 am. He weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and was 19 1/2 inches. We are so incredibly grateful to God for this blessing. His name is of Welsh descent and means 'rejoice' or 'rejoicer.'
Video Update
Video update made especially for PFO DONORS!!! Don’t miss this!!! It’s actual footage of what PFO donations have been accomplishing in China and of the children who will benefit for the rest of their lives!!!
The House of Hope
Read the inspiring story about New Hope Foundation China in the new book,
The House of Hope by
Elisabeth Gifford. The book describes how Robin and Joyce Hill gave up their
wealthy expatriate life in China to take sick
and abandoned orphans into their home. They have rescued over 1,000 children
to date.
Latest Surgery Recipient
Dang Jun Cheng (Chancey in English) is the final child to receive cleft lip surgery with funds from Stuttgart, Germany’s 2010 VBS programs. This surgery costs between $350-$500 per child. To date, PFO donors have funded the procedure for 33 orphans in China! That’s incredible!
Germany VBS Update
And once again some very enthusiastic PFO supporters in
Stuttgart, Germany raised funds for PFO in 2011 through two VBS programs.
To ensure that everyone involved has heard, here are the total amounts
raised by the children and the community:
- Patch Barracks: $3,443.43 and 472.23 Euro
- Robinson Barracks: $1,370.95 and 149.33 Euro
European Wide PWOC Fundraisers
So many of you prayed for this! The first week of June, I was able to introduce
the PFO ministry to 121 leaders from PWOC (an international ministry for women
on military bases). PWOC Europe has chosen PFO as their fundraising focus
for the upcoming year. Their initial offering totaled over $4500!! PFO will
be introduced at their main conference of 400 in November, and many are introducing
and fundraising for PFO on their respective bases, from Sicily to Germany,
Belgium, and the UK to name a few. Praise God!!! He always has a vision
that far surpasses ours! Please continue to pray for each lady involved, that
God would bless her efforts and spur her on even further in a way that blesses
the lives of orphans. If you are one of these ladies, thank you! I would love
to share pictures of your various projects so please keep me posted.
Current Donations
100% of donations coming in at this time will be used to fund the needs of our partner orphanages in China, Kenya & Thailand, based on their greatest needs. Please consider designating a portion of your gift to help us cover administrative expenses.
Prayer Requests
- All individuals who are serving orphans, especially those with whom we partner, for encouragement, blessings and joy in their work.
- Orphans around the world who do not have a place to call home, for God’s
protection and provision.
On behalf of orphans,
Sally Allred Lockett <><
Founder/Director, Portion for Orphans