Thank you! Your portion for orphans enabled PFO to fund the following in 2015:
New Hope Foundation, China : A medical treatment center for orphans from all over China.
- $10,000 is providing 6 months worth of milk formula and diapers.
- $1,800 covered the expenses of 3 cleft pallet surgeries for orphans.

- $10,000 was given towards the medical needs of infant orphans.
Mercy International Children's Village, Thailand : Currently home to 43 children.
- $3,500 was given to construct a fence around the children's village.
- $5,000 is enabling the following repairs: 4 new stoves and microwaves, additional high chairs and chairs; new fans, screens, baby toilets, sheets, towels, additional play equipment, shade cloth for outside play equipment, fencing around the play equipment, new mower, repainting of the homes.
Faith Children's Home, Nepal : PFO is exploring a new partnership with a small pastor run orphanage in Nepal. Many of you gave specifically for Nepal as I traveled there in December. There is a 3 minute video of that trip on our website. So far, your gifts to Nepal have funded the following:
- $750 purchased a solar powered hot water heater.
$100 bought
new winter jackets for the orphans currently in the home.

- Total Funds PFO Received for the Children's Program: $23,510.98
- Total Funds PFO Distributed to Orphans: $31,154.84
(The difference above is due to funds left over from 2014)
- Funds received for PFO Administrative/Travel Expenses: $7,420
- Funds utilized for Administrative/Travel Expenses: $3,978.11
Please remember the annual challenge to set aside a gift of $100 or more in 2016! Thanks to ALL who took on the challenge in 2015.
Thank you for partnering with us in this effort!
Sally Lockett
Founder/Director, Portion for Orphans